Saturday, June 18, 2011

We know how these ladies feel!!

There's this show called, "The Real L Word". It's pretty fake in the way a lesbian's life is, but there's a couple on there who is trying to start their family. They had a sit down dinner with a few of their guy friends after their other guy friend backed out, and this is what happened...

Detach Yourself

Copy and paste this if that doesn't work.....


1 comment:

  1. Aww. In a way, the whole being attached to your sperm issue reminds me of Legally Blonde. I haven't seen it in a long time, but in the scene where they're in class, and she brings up that if someone is going to obsess over what happened with one of their sperm, then shouldn't they be charged for murder for every ejaculation they had that didn't produce a child. I can understand the thought process behind guys who don't want to donate their sperm to a close, personal friend, but at the same time it's weird that when you're jerking off, none of that sperm matters, yet when someone else wants to use it, suddenly it does.

    Dudes, man...they're odd.
