Friday, October 14, 2011

3rd times a charm??

I bet you're wondering where the post is for the 2nd insem...I actually had to go back and read a little bit of our last blogs to find out what we've talked about... THAT'S how big of slackers we are!

OK a bit of recaps...or to catch myself up that is. I know I will probably mention things that we've already posted about, but in case you're just tuning in, you'll be on the same page as everyone else..hopefully. Think of it as the beginning of Glee where the guy talks really fast and tells you what happened on the last episode.

-We did our first insemination (months ago) and it ended in Sheila getting a pelvic infection because her doctor thought she may be allergic to our donor's sample. She was put on antibiotics to get rid of it before it did more damage and risk never being able to get pregnant. During that healing time, her next month's cycle was all screwed up and she actually never ovulated. Her body was stuck in cooking mode (estrogen) which means, her body kept producing eggs and growing them and growing them since the progesterone never told them to stop growing and producing and to pop out of the ovaries. When Sheila went in for her follow up appointment they checked and she had some HUGE follicles on both sides and there were smaller ones still growing. The doctor was shocked to see SO many and asked Sheila if she were on fertility drugs. We decided not to inseminate after her body popped all those eggs because we didn't want to end up being the Octo-Moms!

-After her body was all healed we were able to do our second insem which was last month. We got some bendryl for her to take just in case she is in fact allergic. I don't really recall all the details, but I do remember I was REALLY tired! We did the insem around 10pm Sept 3rd.

I don't know why she was so happy looking because I definitely wasn't...
We also did an insem the next day and I was looking a little more happy after being able to sleep..
We waited our 2 weeks and were getting slightly excited since the red lady was a couple days late only for her to burst in the door and crush our hopes. Sheila also had no complications this go around, so either our new way to transport the sample is cleaner or the benedryl is doing it's job.

OMG SIDE NOTE...As I was just typing, I hit a random button that wasn't delete and everything got erased from this post. Thank goodness for Ctrl Z!!

PHEW! Going on...

After the red lady came for a visit we were gearing up for the next 2 weeks. Making sure our donor was good to go and we had all the supplies we needed since after 2 times things start getting low. That 2 weeks went by and we were tracking her ovulation like crazy. She never got 2 full dark lines, but she's getting better at trusting her body, so we went ahead and got a sample on Oct 5th and did our 3rd try. After updating Fertility Friend it showed that she ovulated right on that day, so it was pretty good timing. We forgot to take pix this time.. :(

She's at day 9 today and her temp is slowly coming down, so I'm not too sure it worked, but we'll keep trying until it does eventually work. She's been kind of nauseated, sore boobs, and been having headaches. Those are all the same signs as the red lady is coming for a visit, so we will have to wait a few more days to see. Fingers crossed!

I had a funny thought that it would be crazy if some how I ended up getting preg from inseminating her. We're usually on or near the same cycle and I always manage to get the stuff on me! I scrub up before hand and Sheila is allergic to latex, so I don't use gloves. I always wash after, but wouldn't that just be SO weird if that actually happened?? Freaky!

I think that about does it for getting everyone caught up. I'll have to get better at updating sooner. I've just been finally working a lot, so I'm too exhausted to do anything! You don't believe me? You should see how dirty our house is!

OK time for a funny picture....

Thursday, October 13, 2011

What a bunch of slackers!!

I have been wanting to post a blog for over a month now since I don't think we've posted in like 2 months. This is basically a post to say that I'm going to post a real one most likely tomorrow. Haha I know we suck and you have to wait longer. I will tell you that Sheila is 8 days past ovulation today and we did 2 inseminations! Who0t!

So yeah...hang in there a little longer until I can gather everything I want to write about. :)
