Friday, July 29, 2011

Needing ovulation vibes!

Sheila still hasn't ovulated this month and she's on cycle day 22!! This month has been SO weird! She's had all these "symptoms" eventhough she had a visit from the red lady the 8th of July.

All day long she had excrutiating pains in her lower abdomin area. It even hurt to place a hand on her tummy. She was SO tired and crabby. I think if she could've killed me, she would've.

So, we decided maybe we should get a pregnancy test just to be TOTALLY sure that she's not pregnant and there's something wrong. Then again, if it's negative and she's having these pains, maybe there's something wrong anyway which is also preventing her from ovulating.

Yes, it is from Wal-Mart. It's close and sort of cheaper. I can't believe for just this one it was almost $4! I should invent something to pee on and give you results in 1 minute just to have it be thrown away. I'd be rich! Hmmmm...what would people need results for that they could pee on a stick..? I'm talkin males and females, not just females. I'll ponder it and let you know if I decide on something.

Looking over the directions for the test we thought this diagram picture was funny. What girl can pee like that (in a stream) without getting it all over the place or even standing up at all unless you're in the shower? I'd like to meet them and learn their trick if there is such a person.

While I was admiring this and having a photo shoot, Sheila was doing her business and we finally got the answer we were wanting to know. Negative.

We're going to monitor this pain she's having and if it doesn't get any better, off to the doctor or hospital we go! I'm curious to know if an ectopic pregnancy will also show up as a negative. I know it's looking for hCG levels, but I wonder if it differs since the embryo isn't in the uterus. Maybe we should have them do an ultrasound just to be sure? We'll keep you all posted in the next few days if we decide to go get her checked out.

Happy thoughts and vibes for us that she will ovulate soon!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Nothing new...

Just taking temps and watching CM. The temp chart isn't as crazy as it was last month! Much easier to read.

It's a good possibility our donor will be going on vacation during the time Sheila ovulates next. We're currently on day 12 of her cycle and she should pop her egg sometime this weekend (if her body cooperates)...that being said, our donor may be in another state. Boo. But you know what? When it's our time, it's our time. It'll all work out. Everything happens for a reason. Even if we don't like it.

That's that. Short and sweet. Fingers crossed!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

The verdict is...

I like expressing my thoughts in pictures....

If you didn't get what I was trying to say, it's that this time didn't turn out how we would've liked it to. Everything in this two week wait was going really well (or so we thought). Let me explain...

Pretty quickly after the insemination, Sheila began having cramps and such and we just thought it was her ovulating and the swimmers doing their job. Her temperature rose and continued to stay really high for four days and took a small drop (.13 degrees) and stayed that temp for 5 days. In those 9 days she seriously was going to the potty it seemed like every hour, she was nauseated at smells and thoughts of food, she had tender nips and skin color changed around them, overly exhausted, emotional, and just felt like she was preg. Her cramps started up again, so we looked it up and it said that around the 10th day you can have implantation cramping. We were thinking YAY, it must have worked! Then Thursday, July 7th, her temp dropped A LOT (.42 degrees), didn't feel the same feelings anymore and had what seemed like menstrual cramps. Lo and behold, the red lady came Friday morning with a vengeance. :(

So, we've already got this month's plans going and we will try try again until it works. Hopefully this months cycle won't be SO friggen crazy, temperature wise, and just be normal...or whatever normal is.

I leave you with a fail pic that I thought was funny and had to share...