Thursday, December 15, 2011

Why hello there!

If you actually thought I would be better about posting more, you were wrong! I have not only let the people down who read this blog, but my other blogs as well! You'd think I'd have SO much stuff going on that I don't even have time to breathe. That is not the case...I'm just a procrastinator...BOO.

OK sooooo we are on insem #5! 6 days in and 8 to go!

Try #3 ended with AF like I thought. Try #4 was uhmmm...interesting! I was thinking that maybe by the time we get the lil swimmers home, that they're too warm from Sheila holding them or they've been in the elements too long or whatever, so we got our sample and inseminated in the car! What? People get pregnant in the car all the time! Why can't we?? Wasn't a very well thought out plan might I add! We knew we were going to do it, but didn't bring anything to aide in the awkwardness of not being able to see, it being friggen cold (in November) and afraid someone might see what we're doing. After the deed was done, I had to drive home while Sheila had her legs in the air, trying to balance on her head, while I was trying to avoid bumps, dips, etc, so she wouldn't fall over! I'm so glad it was night time because it would've been pretty odd in the day time! I can only image the looks we would've gotten. No pictures from that adventure...well because it was just weird anyway. We kinda had a bad feeling about it not working from the start, and of course, it ended in AF.

As I said before, we are on try #5. Didn't do anything crazy this time. Got the sample and came home and did the ol' routine. I have been really good during the process, but I seriously was gagging and dry heaving to the point where I almost puked on Sheila and my eyes were watering so much that I could barely see what I was doing! I just had to think about something else and just do what needed to be done. Sheila's temp has been pretty steady, but took a little dive this morning. It's been said that during implantation, your temperature goes down for a day and then goes right back up the next day, so I guess we'll see. I also read from someone on Babycenter, that boy sperm (Y chromosome) swim faster and girl sperm (X chromosome) live longer. I don't know how true that is, but I thought it was interesting. So here we sit in the middle of the waiting game. We should know if it worked or not on Christmas. What a cool present that would be? Although...not a very cool gift for Sheila if AF comes to visit.

Anyway, you guys do know that if there were exciting news like a BFP (big fat positive), I'd definitely post an update. If I don't get to post again before the holiday I hope everyone has a good one! Keep your fingers crossed and us in your thoughts!!!!!! :)
