Monday, May 2, 2011

For those who were wondering (caution: TMI)

Just an update for those who were curious.

Right now I am keeping track of my temperature to see when I start ovulating. So I bought a basal thermometer and a ovulation kit. The plan is to start insemination in June. I still have to get some genetic testing done so I need to make another doctor's appointment. Also Amity was reading somewhere that I need another blood test called CMV testing. Yay.

CMV testing is checking for a virus that has major birth defects. If I'm positive it doesn't matter if the donor is positive or negative so therefore he won't have to be tested. But if I'm negative then he has to be tested to also be negative because if he's positive and I'm negative that's where the birth defects fall into place. But we're not worried because they have a healthy kid.

Trying to remember to take my prenatal vitamins is a pain in the ass. Sometimes I forget to take them. Oops. Also I have to check my temp as soon as I wake up. I can't do anything before. Can't get up, talk, or go pee (I guess that falls under the can't get up.)  I think that's it for now. Not really much else to do until we figure out the ovulation cycle.

(Amity says HI)

This is Sheila, signing out.


  1. You could always pee the bed, so it's probably good that you included go pee, otherwise I might have assumed...

    I hate trying to remember to take pills. Joel had the bright idea that I should take my birth control pill with dinner because that's the meal we both usually sit down and eat for, but dude NEVER reminds me, so I usually remember as I'm going to bed and have to get up to go take it...ugh. Taking pills. Hopefully you remember better than I do! ;)

  2. Lol I could pee the bed. Well I now set my alram for 5am, take my temp then take my vitamin then bam! Did everything I need to do. :)
