Sunday, May 29, 2011

It's always good to hear

Today I hung out with my grandmother. I didn't tell her our plans, but we did talk about a lot of other things.

I told her how I felt that I was always disappointing everyone, that nothing I do is ever enough. She sincerely apologized and told me how proud she was of me. How I went to school and follow through with my job. How I bought a house and be the person I am. It's just what I needed to hear. Especially after everything that is going on. Without telling her why it was said I told her how it made me upset and how it hurt me of how my mom said God doesn't approve of my choices. She wasn't happy about that. She told me that as a mother it is hard to see your kids do something that you yourself cannot approve of and a mother will shed tears over it and pray for you, but it can never take away their love for their children.

Before she dropped me off she told me that she was sorry for hurting my feelings. She then brought up our conversation that time we went out to dinner and she apologized. She went on to say that seeing me with my nephew, Alex, that she could see that I yearn to have a child of my own. She said I would make a damn good mother and who was she to take that away from me because of her feelings. Nannan said that no matter what I choose she loves me no matter what.

I still haven't told her our plans, but with her saying that I will tell them sooner rather then later. Now I don't know if anyone said anything or she just picked it up. There are times when Nannan is a very intelligent woman and she always speaks from her heart when it comes to her feelings for her family.

It really made me feel so much better to hear the things she said. I hope in my heart that we can grow from it.


  1. Definitely a positive step. :) I'm glad.

  2. Happy to hear its going good with her so far, hopefully it stays that way. You guys are always in my prayers and I hope everything goes the way you deserve it! :)
