Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Nothing new...

Just taking temps and watching CM. The temp chart isn't as crazy as it was last month! Much easier to read.

It's a good possibility our donor will be going on vacation during the time Sheila ovulates next. We're currently on day 12 of her cycle and she should pop her egg sometime this weekend (if her body cooperates)...that being said, our donor may be in another state. Boo. But you know what? When it's our time, it's our time. It'll all work out. Everything happens for a reason. Even if we don't like it.

That's that. Short and sweet. Fingers crossed!


  1. Good luck!

    How has Sheiler been feeling??

  2. After asking her 3 times, she says she's good. Excuse her. The TV is on.....Must. Concentrate. On. Simpsons.
