Monday, June 27, 2011

Fingers crossed

This frustrating cycle has come to a close. We inseminated 2 more times this weekend and watched Sheila's body temperature go up and down A LOT during the month (pic below) and still Fertility Friend hadn't showed any ovulation. I was getting discouraged that something crazy happened this month and she never popped her egg. That is until we put in this morning's temp and voila! the red lines finally showed up!

OK so let me explain this little guy right over <~*~here. The blue dots are Sheila's temperature that she gets on her basal thermometer every morning at 5am. The blue lines just connect the days. The dashed line means she forgot to take her temp that day. The date is at the top this one is June's. The day part on the bottom is the day of her cycle. Day 1 is the first day the red lady comes. CM under the Day is for Cervical Mucus which is secreted from the cervix everyday and gets yuckier as you get closer to ovulation. When you're closer to ovulation, it has the same consistency and nutrients as semen, so the swimmers can live longer (up to 5 days) inside of the cervix waiting for the egg. Some of the boxes are green meaning that it's "go time". haha. The X's under them are the days we inseminated and the + and - were for the ovulation predictor pee stick things. The red lines on the graph are the average temperature (horizontal line) and the switch in hormone from estrogen to progesterone (vertical line). Where they intersect is your ovulation day meaning the 24 hours the egg is released for fertilization. It is also your lowest body temperature reading for the entire month. According to this chart, we nailed it right on the head, so hopefully this little follicle will attach itself within the next few days and stick!

We're not overly concerned with the whole peeing on a stick thing in 2 weeks. We'll just see if the red lady comes back to visit again and if she does then it's on to try number 2!

I've really done my research! I guess that's what I get for having SO much time off!



  1. Damn, that's a crazy chart!!! And I laughed pretty hard at "the red lady." Hopefully she doesn't come visit next month!

  2. Wow I'm medical and was a little confused lol I wish me red lady would go away and NEVER come back
